Imagine the coordination necessary for all of M$M to have kept totally silent on a plan to destroy the sovereignty of all countries since 1950's! One should ask why there were not whistleblowers! Looking at the draconian pandemic measures of the World Health Organization (WHO), it's clear that WHO is trying to force WHO control on all UN member states, starting with universal "digital IDs". Is it possible that the CFR plans are being acted out by the UN?
The corrupting actions of the wealthy ruling class on society has always been similar, even thousands of years ago: Study Carthage 2,000 years ago; Sparta & Athens; the (Muslim) Ottoman Empire with its Muslim, Jew and Christian citizenry to even 1917; the Roman Empire, the adventures of Ghengis Khan, the British colonization of places like India and Pakistan using Hegelian dialectic warfare, the Anglo-American Empire, right to the present. Connect the dots. All are really, just like today, the "adventures" of ruthless people who use money, debt, usury, and misinformation to control the masses. In Nazi Germany, who would zealously fight for Hitler without Germany's M$M misinforming their public? Or Stalin? Answer: not very many.
One must realize that M$M has one main job today: To do the dictates of the 0.00000001% in their pursuit of global hegemony in their "march toward a world government. Towards the goal of a single world government, Rockefeller explicitly admitted that M$M has, since the 1950s, "misinformed" the world on the CFR's goals. In the US Constitution, the 1st Amendment, freedom of the press and freedom of speech does not specify that the press must "tell the truth"; hence, the 1st Amendment guarantees that individuals and the press will be legally immune if they lie. Further, one does not have to look any further than the telecommunications acts of nearly all countries. In the USA, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 has no mention of "truth" as a goal of the media, only concealment of source and whistleblower "identities." And, when have you ever heard of a successful lawsuit against a telecommunications giant for lying? The "settlement" of FOX with Dominion can be shown to be, FIRST, a "show & tell" for the world by choreographing a "win" that avoids a trial on the merits - thus giving the "appearance of a win." In actuality, Mike Lindell, in preliminary open court, demonstrated the ease by which Dominion election machines could be hacked by having an election machine hacked by his expert witness, using only a "ball-point" pen. Hence, any big trial on the merits would allow the truth to be discovered by common voters who have been led to believe that Dominion's election machines are "honest.". And, even if FOX would have lost the lawsuit and had to pay Dominion a settlement, the actual payoff amount would be small, because of liability insurance coverage and writeoffs.
There is one further draconian thing that the Telecommunications Act of 1996 does: It allows as few as one individual or entity to own/control, without limit, as much as 100% of the print and electronic media outlets - without threats of anti-trust action. i.e. one person can legally own all of Main$tream Media! How did that sneak through? Isn't that when Monica Lewensky and Bill Clinton were clashing in an impeachment proceeding? Hmmm!
What one learns here won't be part of the curriculum of most all universities. Such truths are hidden "in plain sight" from common folks, with mainstream media providng the "cover" between the ruling class and common folks, worldwide.
Henry Ford put it quite well when he was attributed to saying in 1937: "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for, if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
Understanding "money" is the purpose of this website. Where did the money come from that central banks loan to governments, or loan out to borrowers for home mortgage loans or a credit card transaction"? "How did the $50 bill in your wallet get its value"? Do interest rates really have much, or anything, to do with inflation? (The short answer is, NO. Hence, the dance the FED goes through is pure hype!) Therefore, when the Federal Reserve manipulates the prime rate or interest rates, it is 99% "theatre" for the unsuspecting public. The proper question to ask is: "What really does cause inflation, depressions, recessions?" A single word will suffice: GREED.
The answers to these questions and more are closely guarded secrets that, if made public knowledge, would definitely cause INSTANT social disorder much more violent than the reaction to George Floyd's death, Black Lives Matter, Kyle Rittenhouse's trial, any civil unrest the United States experienced in 2020-2024, or even the peace and anti-Vietnam riots of the 1960s! You will see that the truth about money and banking are "well-hidden in plain sight"!
When people learn the truth, they ask, "Is banking and the monetary system really that corrupt"? Did Henry Ford know things about banking/money that have been kept close secrets for centuries, to this day? YES! Any group of individuals with unlimited power to create "legal tender" (money) in unlimited quantities are likely not angels and almost certainly will hoard and use what it can buy for their own gain or capacity to control! AOC wasn't wrong when she said, "You don't make a billion dollars, you take a billion dollars!"
How did it happen that a small cabal of bankers obtained the power to legally "print" money in unlimited quanties? In the United States, Woodrow Wilson signed into law the "Federal Reserve Act" in 1913, back-to-back with laws that created Federal Income Tax, back-to-back, just before the United States inserted itself into World War One (WW1), "conveniently" catalyzed by the Lufstatania incident and financed by the Federal Reserve!
Think on this as you study this website: Abraham Lincoln was approached by British and French bankers to "finance" the Civil War, as there was no central bank in the USA after President Andrew Jackson abolished it in 1837. Lincoln said, "NO," and had the US government print interest-free Greenbacks to pay for the Civil War. And, even though the British and French probably counterfeited more Greenbacks than the US printed, it didn't affect the war. Ask yourself, "Who benefits when banks create money as debt?" And, how do they benefit, to the detriment of common folks?
Think back to your schooling! In perspective, weren't we taught that when people deposited money in banks - a percentage of the deposited money was made available to borrowers in the form of loans? Would it surprise you to know that that is not, even remotely, true? Close to 100% of all bank loans are with BRAND-NEW money, freshly "conjured up" especially for the bank loan. What? You don't believe that? Now maybe you can see why Henry Ford said what he said!! One thing is guaranteed. What John Q Public thinks he knows about money is, at best, a microscopic shadow of the truth.
The average lower to middle class person may say, "I must get a job to trade my labor for money for my needs!" "Where would we all be if we didn't have a job and a friendly bank to loan us money to purchase big ticket items like our home and cars?" "Is there a better way?"
Let's explore where the money you have in your wallet originated. What the "who, what, and how" of society's monetary system is. Answers to these questions will let us know who the prime benefactors of the present monetary system are.
If a bank "creates" money used as a loan on your house's equity, where should payments to the bank for interest or principal payments go? What should the bank do with that money? What does a bank do with loan payment money?
The answers are likely very different than you think or will be told by your "trusted" bank loan officer.
Because the truths about the monetary system & banking are so well-guarded, some of the above questions are only glancingly relevant. Commercial banks do a good job of hiding the truth "right in plain sight"! So good are banks and the Fed in hiding the "truth," that even most lower bank officers and employees don't know the real truth!!
One distraction, on jobs. As you may know, the real unemployment rate, even in late 2020 through even present, is much higher than reported one because the official "unemployment" rate only reports the number of people that have been seeking jobs in the last four (4) weeks and/or getting unemployment compensation. It does NOT count as unemployed those people that even work a few hours a week at poverty wages. Nor does it count those who have "given up" searching. Temporarily, this is less important in the age of the Covid story, wars that have been spawned by the present regimes, etc!
What's the purpose for money? If you think, "Money is the medium by which a fair, honest and transparent exchange of goods and services between people takes place," you would be largely correct! Except for transactions involving bank loans and large transactions between banks, giant companies, hedge funds, governments and the like.
For transactions involving banks, loans, borrowing, interest payments, and the like, the path becomes quite muddied.
Although money does serve the purpose of being a medium of exchange, it is nearly always created as usurious, malicious debt by commercial banks and the FED, Fannie Mae, central foreign banks, etc. with the purpose of funding loans (Look at linked websites and "How is Money Created"). However, when big companies and/or publicly traded companies, that could easily eliminate debt, create a " niche" in their cashflow to accommodate debt service - one should "raise one's eyebrows" to ask what's really happening. Guaranteed that you won't find reasons for such debt service in their books or in school text books.
When the ugly heads of debt, loans and credit are inserted, it is unmistakeable that lending and interest are grossly unfair and, as we will see, much of the time, totally non-transparent, especially for larger entities and government activities. Looking at us lesser folks, a home that you bought for, say $300,000.00, with a 30 year mortgage, ends up costing you maybe $750,000.00 with interest at the loan's maturity - giving the bank a profit of $450,000.00 for money that didn't exist before the mortgage loan. That you were haggling with the seller for $5,000 is insignificant compared to the bank's non-negotiable $450,000.00 profit! The bank "creates" new money to fund the mortgage loan. And, if the "homeowner" defaults on their loan, the bank gets to take the house in foreclosure! Does this sound fair? That the bank gets to take your home when it "financed" the loan for it with (what amounts to) counterfeit money! Very few people know the money mechanics of the loan-making process. How come no one knows how malicious mortgage loans are? Could it be that banks own and/or control ALL the major network media maybe worldwide? If so, is this transparent?
One statistic in early 2020 suggests that the poorest half of the population of the United States has a "negative" net worth. If so, this means that, on average, 175,000,000 US citizens have more debt than assets (home, car and business loans, student debt, IRS debt, etc.), essentially making these people debt slaves, and, if they lose their houses to greedy banks, welfare slaves! In 2021, thanks to the Covid story, it could be that 70% of the people have a negative net worth, even with the "stimulus" or unemployment benefit checks people have gotten, which is usually tiny compared to what people need to live by and turn the keys in their locks!
How did this happen? Right under our noses, it did! When you understand that the MONEY funding bank LOANS or written for stimulus checks is NEW money (banks, directly or indirectly, almost always create new MONEY to fund the LOANS), you can see the real meaning of hidden fraud, "fraud in the inducement" (look it up!), usury, coercion, intimidation, and much more, cleverly disguised as being "positive" attributes in the monetary system. The whole rigmarole and ritual of credit & lending, debt, money creation and destruction are steeped in deep levels of unfairness & non-transparency!
The root causes of the rot we see in society are tied, in very large part, to this monetary unfairness and non-transparency, especially in the lending sector. If we can fix these monetary root causes of rot, we would have cause for unparalleled optimism for the future of the human race!! Never before in the history of man have humans had so much abundance of resources, food, and freedom from drudgery and manual labor, largely thanks, in large part, to technology, computerization and robotization. But also never before has there been so much unnecessary poverty and disparity between the rich, the poor and the impoverished. Technology and bifurcation are two sides of the same coin called, "malicious usury!" With productive yields that are many times that of man even 75 years ago, thanks to robotization, AI, and automation, if the fruits of production were distributed even slightly evenly, then we would have individual prosperity for the masses at new levels every year.
But, we all know that the fruits of labor, AI, robotization and computer-integrated manufacturing is heavily skewed toward the 0.01% reaping ever-more rewards for such productive fruits!
Think, a moment, about the "upper crust" of society: The Ellison's, the Buffett's, the Walton's, the Rockefeller families, and the dozens of other business owners, bankers, real estate developers, hedge fund managers, and the like. NONE of them needs to trade one second of hard labor or experience drudgery to assure that they will have a roof over their heads and food on their tables. In fact, some of these families are so wealthy that they may own homes in many of the cities they frequent! It is alleged that David Rockefeller had over 100 homes worldwide and that each home had a dozen or more servants at his beck and call. Imagine the wealth to afford that! How did it get that way?
It is clear that a huge disparity exists between the working class of folks and the "upper crust," a disparity that is largely independent of intelligence, talent, abilities, heredity, longevity, genetics, and the like. There are many talented musicians, artists, scientists, sculptors, etc. that cannot get jobs that pay a living wage. And a dis-proportionate number of people, many of them very talented, are burdened with debt so huge and mushrooming - that they can't pay the interest on the debt, much less ever pay back the principal in their lifetimes! Some of this debt is student debt.
High school graduates are told to go to college so that they can get higher paying jobs. Nearly all college students can get loans via FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), no matter what their field of study!! And, not only that, the universities tell you that maybe you can get sizeable, free, grants that might subsidize your school education! Sounds so liberating, right?!
Well, ...the average bachelor's degree may cost $150,000.00 from a land-grant, state university, and much more if the university is private or not so privileged!
But, the government and banks DO NOT discriminate between
fields of study that have a higher or lower probability that the student can get jobs that are capable of paying off the student loan, just like they don't discriminate against senior citizens. How is this possible? We all know bankers to be cold-blooded animals. Why should they display willingness to possibly "not be paid" by poor credit risks?
Getting a degree in "basket weaving" (excuse the pun!) is just as eligible for a student loan as going for an M.D.! Wow!
Making the student debt scene worse is that many parents are/were forced to take out "Parent Plus" loans along for their children! Many parents may have credit ratings that make them eligible for their children's student loans, but with the extra burden of the student loans, parents often find that the debt puts them in jeopardy or in bankruptcy! And bankruptcy does not allow parents to escape from the student loans!! Parents can bankrupt out of other debt, but not student loans for their kids! Parental student debt is forever!
What is happening here? Why should this be?
A student's loan debt also cannot be discharged in bankruptcy!! Which means that both the students and their parents may become permanent debt slaves to the banking establishment - with lifelong, ballooning debt they can never remove from their record. Worse, this crippling student debt maybe doubles or triples (or makes impossible) the purchase costs of insurance, car and home mortgage loans which they could afford if they didn't have unpayable and ballooning debt! The upper crust has the lowest costs for such insurance and credit lines. Somehow this seems reversed from how it should be, as the people least able to afford debt and insurance have the highest such costs!
Do you maybe think that the banks and lenders are setting up people to be debt slaves?
Did you know that 85 year old senior citizens can get 30 year mortgage loans without age discrimination, just like people in their 30's, per statute in most all venues? The bankers say, "We can't discriminate against senior citizens on the basis of age to limit their ability to get home mortgage loans." Without thinking, it sounds pretty lofty, just like saying, "There will be no discrimination on the basis of race, sexual preference, sex, creed or beliefs." BUT, differences in a person's race, creed, sexual preferences, beliefs, etc. DO NOT interfere with a person's ability earn income so as to make payments on a home loan. Not so for an 88 year-old man who applies for a 30 year mortgage loan. Is it possible that he will not live to see his mortgage paid off in full? Very likely!!
If an elderly borrower cannot, almost ever, live long enough to pay off a loan - is it possible that the "non-discriminatory" loans were given to that senior citizen with an intent that the loan would likely go into default and that the bank would have to "eat" the loan? Or might it be that the bank would still have secret benefits? Hmmm... Well, we don't want to discriminate against senior citizens, but surely the terms of loans to seniors also needs to address the reality of the seniors' short life expectancy!
We contend that bankers are not telling the public how they really benefit if the borrower dies long before their loan matures! Just like we're not being told how bankers can maintain trillions of dollars of student debt...
Then, can we then make the argument that it is possible that the bankers are "marching to different "drummers" than what they say they are??
Bankers absolutely know that if a student is educated in fields that have low income, then it's nearly impossible for them to even pay the interest, let alone the principal on such loans. Bankers also know that a senior citizen will likely never be able to pay off his 30-year mortgage loan. So what is happening here??
How is unpayable student debt related to 30 year home loans to seniors that they can never live long enough to pay off? Is it possible that bankers expect that many or most of loans they make will not, or cannot ever be paid off? How can they afford to do this? Why don't they "run" out of money?
"You cannot both have your cake and eat it, too!!" Perhaps you will see that the bankers are indeed marching to a much different drummer than "serve the people" - unless they are following the book on the Twilight Zone episode, entitled "To serve Man."